Sierra Leone News : NaCSA and UNHCR Conclude Refugee Assessment


Sierra Leone News : NaCSA and UNHCR Conclude Refugee Assessment

Awareness Times, 23 Feb 2017

The National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) haveended a week long participatory assessment for 355 exempted Liberia refugees and other nationals across the country.

The objective of the assessmentwas to discuss possibilities to ensuring an effective local integration as well as local collection of relevant information of refugees, take collective action to enhance their protection and develop appropriate protection strategies for remaining refugees in the country.

Addressing refugees at Gondama Camp in the Baoma Chiefdom, Bo District, UNHCR Head of National Office, Moijama Siafa, disclosed to the refugees that the UNHCR Office in Sierra Leone is on the verge of closing operations for Sierra Leone. She said the material assistance the Agency used to provide to refuges has been cancelled. Madam Siafa assured that UNHCR will continue to lobby other organizations for funding.

At Gemgbeh and Gerihun Camps, in the Baoma Chiefdom, Bo District, Moijama Siafa reiterated that resettlement has not closed completely but one could be considered on serious security reasonswhere the government of Sierra Leone cannot provide protection for the individual.She encouraged the refugees to apply online for resettlement across the world.

During a focus group discussion session atGondama Camp, NaCSA’s Relief andResettlementProgramme Manager, Mohamed U. Koromainformed refugees that resettlement is only applicable where a given state provides space to accommodate refugees to resettle in their country.“UNHCR is focusing more on countries with serious emergency like Syria and Ukraine’’ he added.He suggested to the refugees to come up with a reasonable amount to be given to them as cash grant for Local Integration; adding that a valid Passport andlong-term residence permit would be issued out to them.

In a bid to enable the refugees engage in small scale businesses to enhance their livelihood in their various camps, Four Million Leones was given to each family head in all the camps across the country.

SeibaKollie an exempted Liberia refugee in Jemgbeh on behalf of colleagues, thanked UNHCR and the implementing partner NaCSA for the money provided them and the establishment of the Village Savings and Lending Association (VSLA). Quoting colleague refugees in other camps across the country, Miss Kollie said the VSLA has improved the lives of refugees immensely in their respective camps.She called on government to improve on Security and Safety of refugees especially in Jemgbeh which she emphasized are facing serious security challenges.

Refugees in the various camps pleaded with UNHCR and NaCSA to improve on their shelters, increase the number water wells and improve sanitation in their various camps.

The findings on the week long assessment will be presented to UNHCR office in Dakar for consideration and action.