UNHCR Kızılay to provide shelter to 90,000 Syrians


UNHCR Kızılay to provide shelter to 90,000 Syrians

Hurriyet, 20 Dec 2012

URL: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/unhcr-kizilay-to-provide-shelter-to-90000-syrians.aspx?pageID=238&nID=37244&NewsCatID=359
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Turkey Office signed a humanitarian assistance cooperation protocol agreement yesterday with the Turkish Red Crescent Society (Kızılay) in order to buy 18,500 tents at a cost of $15.4 million to provide shelter to 92,500 Syrians in Turkey
The latest UNHCR purchase from Kızılay will bring the number of tents donated by the UNHCR over the past 18 months to a total of 39,200, sheltering 196,000 people. The tents will be manufactured at Kızılay facilities in Ankara and Erzincan and be completed by May 31, 2013. The fireproof tents are 16 square meters and appropriate for all seasons and weather conditions. The tents are to be used by Kızılay in camps accommodating Syrians. The parties have indicated that if the need for more tents arises, the number of tents to be manufactured may be increased.

‘Beginning of extended cooperation’

“Turkey has consistently and efficiently provided protection and shelter to Syrian refugees, and has set a clear example of humanitarian leadership during an emergency. Through this procurement the UNHCR seeks to further strengthen and support the enormous efforts underway in Turkey to provide refuge. We believe that this signing ceremony is only the beginning of extensive cooperation between the UNHCR and Kızılay at a global level, in addition to ongoing cooperation in Turkey,” UNHCR Turkey Representative Carol Batchelor said, speaking at a signing ceremony held for the agreement, which was also attended by Kızılay’s President Ahmet Lütfi Akar.

According to figures provided by the UNHCR, as of Dec. 18, Turkey has welcomed over 142,670 Syrians in need of protection in 14 camps across seven provinces. Kızılay has been providing shelter and nutrition needs as well as psychosocial support. The UNHCR is providing technical support to Turkey.