In Turkey the number of Syrians arriving at the border has increased dramatically.


In Turkey the number of Syrians arriving at the border has increased dramatically.

UNHCR -This is a summary of what was said by the UNHCR spokesperson at today’s Palais des Nations press briefing in Geneva, 28 Aug 2012

In Turkey the number of Syrians arriving at the border has increased dramatically. Compared to previous weeks, which saw around 400-500 people arriving daily, up to 5000 people have been arriving at the borders every day over the past two weeks. In the past 24 hours over 3000 Syrians are reported to have crossed into Turkey, with a further 7000 expected to cross in the coming days. The 3000 crossed at the Kilis, Yayladagi and Reyhanli border crossings. A new camp, Karkamis, in Gaziantel province, has been opened and many of the new arrivals are being transferred there. The Turkish authorities plan an additional 5-6 camps, for a total overall capacity of up to 150,000 people. UNHCR and partners are providing technical support and aid. A UNHCR airlift filled with tents arrived at Adana early today. An increase in international support is vital to back Turkey's efforts to keep pace with the large numbers of Syrian refugees seeking refuge there.