Japan to Conduct Farm Training in Kayin Armed Ethnic Areas


Japan to Conduct Farm Training in Kayin Armed Ethnic Areas

Myanmar Times, 21 Jan 2019

URL: https://www.mmtimes.com/news/japan-conduct-farm-training-kayin-armed-ethnic-areas.html
Peace Win Japan under the Japan Nippon Foundation will give agricultural training to armed ethnic groups in Kawkareik and Myawady in Kayin State to help then earn more from farming, said U Win Hlaing Oo, head of the Agriculture Department.

“They will train armed ethnic groups to produce high quality farm products as well as value-added products,” he said on Sunday. Japan signed a memorandum of understanding with the department last week to implement the community-based agricultural livelihood improvement project.

Although the villages in these areas produce rubber, durian, yams and vegetables, they are sold to the nearest market as raw materials and the people get very little income. The training will emphasise the use of agricultural technology to increase their income, he said.

“It is expected that the training will also convince them to invest in legal agricultural businesses instead of engaging in illegal trade,” he said. Although the region was behind in agriculture because of armed conflicts, it is now focusing on agriculture again.

“This is a two-year project that will be launched this year,” he said. The project can be extended if successful.