Refugees in Liberia celebrate gender equality


Refugees in Liberia celebrate gender equality

United Nations in Liberia, 08 Mar 2016

It was a day in the city of Monrovia. Busy streets and what seems to be hundreds of women and men standing at each side of the road looking for any means of transportation. However, it is not a regular day; today, Monrovia gathers to celebrate the International Women’s Day.

The United Nations began celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) on 8 March during International Women’s Year in 1975. But it was until two years later that the General Assembly in December 1977, adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace to be observed in accordance with their historical and national traditions.

By that road stands a small but strong house, blue and white in colour. Its name reads ‘Gloria Group Incorporated Vocational Training Center’, and it is managed by Irene, an Ivorian refugee woman who has dedicated her life to teaching refugee and Liberian women.

“I came to Liberia in 2002 after the war started in Côte d’Ivoire. After three years I was doing nothing; it did not feel right I have always been a woman that works for my upkeep. So I got a sewing machine and decided to do something for myself. I started working small small. It was difficult, I did not speak English so I could not communicate with my customers, but I tried my best and thank God that everything I put my mind to I get it,” says Irene with a smile on her face.

Many refugees like Irene celebrated along the International Women’s Day to recognize their efforts in building a better world for themselves and their children. Accompanied by UNHCR, LRRRC and SEARCH, Irene and other refugees held important discussions on how women and girls can participate in decision-making.

At the same time, other refugee women gathered with the Liberian government, UNHCR represented by Deputy Representative Ms Ioli Kimyaci, the SRSG, Mr Farid Zarif, and other UN Agencies in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, during which women and men committed to invest all their efforts in making parity real by 2030. Efforts made so far were also recognized, including the increasing number of women in leadership positions.

In recognizing that gender equality in Liberia is still long ahead, UNHCR is committed to facilitating the means for refugee women to be able to close the gender gap by themselves. Supporting women like Irene enables her to become self-reliant as well as it converts her in an active change mobilizer; it is through experiences like hers that refugee women demonstrate their capacity to contribute in restructuring the lives of fellow refugees, build peace and encourage development in their countries of asylum.

“It is a time to reflect and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities, women like us, who fled their countries to survive and save the lives of their families. Today we celebrate together our achievements,” said Irene.

The International Women’s Day was also celebrated in the three refugee camps. International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, with the aim of accelerating gender parity.

Diana Diaz/UNHCR