The lost children of Nigeria: Boko Haram orphans thousands


The lost children of Nigeria: Boko Haram orphans thousands

Al Jazeera, 17 Feb 2015

Rose Wakulu is exhausted. Yet the 25-year-old sits upright on a wooden chair in an abandoned school classroom, breastfeeding her 28-day-old nephew Ibrahim. Boko Haram fighters killed his mother and twin on the day he was born. At Wakulu’s feet sits 5-year-old Moses Luka, the son of another of Wakulu’s sisters. Moses is putting dirty plastic bottle tops in his mouth. Two of them get stuck, and he tries to cough them out. Wakulu bends down over Ibrahim’s head and sticks a finger in Moses’ mouth to pry out the plastic tops. When she forces them out, they fly into the air, landing on the other side of a pile of rusty chairs. ..