Mubi displaced persons get relief materials in Kano


Mubi displaced persons get relief materials in Kano

News 24, 20 Nov 2014

Kano - The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) on Wednesday in Dawakin Kudu, Kano State, distributed relief materials to internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Mubi in Adamawa.

150 persons fled Mubi town to Dawakin Kudu about two weeks ago following attacks by Boko Haram insurgents.

NEMA Zonal Coordinator, Musa Ilallah, said the items included foodstuffs, mattresses, rubber mats and blankets, among others.

Ilallah said the materials were approved by the NEMA headquarters in Abuja for distribution to the victims who were being camped at Dawakin-Kudu town.

According to him, the agency would continue to assist victims of disasters in order to alleviate their hardships.

"NEMA as a Federal Government agency will continue to support victims of various disasters to cushion their sufferings’’, he said.

Receiving the materials on behalf of the victims, an official of the state Emergency and Rehabilitation Agency (SERERA), Garba Abdu, commended the federal government for the gesture.

He assured that the agency would ensure equitable distribution of the materials to the victims.

Abdu, however, called on the affected persons to cooperate with the state government officials to ensure fairness in the distribution.

The agency had recently distributed relief materials worth millions of naira to IDPs who relocated to Kano from Wukari in Taraba.