Formulaire de recherche

Nombre de résultats: 3056

    highlight 13 Jun 2023 (11 months ago)
  • The USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance funded Graduating to Resilience Activity held a two-hour virtual learning event on the 13th of April 2023: "Transitioning from Graduation to Resilience." The event was part of USAID’s Agency Learning and Evidence Month, where the 7-year livelihoods program presented learnings from its first cohort of implementation to an audience of about 160+ virtual participants following invitations to a wider cross-section of partners in the Uganda Government, nonprofit, multilateral, and private sectors. Read more here:
    highlight 04 May 2023 (1 year ago)
  • WFP Uganda - Market Monitor for Refugee settlements for March 2023: The main objective of the market monitor is to understand market price trends to provide timely information to actors providing cash and in-kind assistance in the refugee response. The monitor also analyzes the relative performance and purchasing power of the WFP cash transfer value relative to in-kind assistance across the refugee response. The data has been collected by WFP, through key informant interviews with traders in markets across the 13 refugee settlements and their host communities. The market monitor further provides an update on the prices, costs and market performance of food and non-food commodities and the cost of the food and full Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB). The interactive dashboard and is available through the link:
    highlight 17 May 2023 (1 year ago)
  • UNHCR handed over essential medical equipment and medicines worth USD 10 million to the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MoHME), in partnership with and the Bureau for Aliens and Foreign Immigrants’ Affairs (BAFIA), on 11 April 2023 in Tehran. The equipment including, ambulances, dialysis machines, CT scanners, X-Ray machines, ventilators, mobile health post and laboratory, rapid testing kits for malaria, COVID-19, Cholera, Hepatitis, and other communicable diseases, as well as many other essential medical items, will be delivered to some public hospitals and health posts in 27 provinces across the country in refugee hosting areas and refugee settlements.
    highlight 11 Apr 2023 (1 year ago)
    Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • This Information Note on seeking asylum in South Sudan is prepared for people who have been impacted by the Sudan situation and may need more information on how to seek asylum in South Sudan. You may also visit the South Sudan ‘HELP’ website page of UNHCR to get more information:
    highlight 04 May 2023 (1 year ago)
    South Sudan Sudan
  • Introducing IPA and J-PAL’s new Displaced Livelihoods Initiative: Displacement is at an all-time high and is projected to climb in the coming decades, making it more necessary than ever to identify impactful and cost-effective programs and policies that enable refugees and others forced to flee to achieve self-reliance and rebuild their lives. To address this growing need, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) and the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) have launched the Displaced Livelihoods Initiative (DLI), a new research fund supported by the IKEA Foundation that will generate new and rigorous evidence on livelihoods programs for displaced populations and host communities. DLI will support cutting-edge research and policy work, with the goal of identifying, evaluating, and informing innovative and effective solutions to help displaced people rebuild their lives and livelihoods after being forced to flee their homes. Sule Alan (European University Institute), Jeannie Annan (International Rescue Committee), Luc Behaghel (Paris School of Economics), and Mushfiq Mobarak (Yale University) will serve as the academic leads. Their extensive experience and knowledge will be instrumental in guiding the direction and impact of the initiative. Read more here:
    highlight 26 Apr 2023 (1 year ago)
  • Sous le Cluster Abris dirigé par le HCR, la communauté humanitaire du Nord Kivu s'est vue octroyer un terrain de 53 hectares à Rusayo pour le développement d'installations pour les personnes déplacées. Ce nouveau site permettra de décongestionner la population des sites de Bulengo (LacVert) et de Rusayo1
    highlight 28 Feb 2023 (1 year ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Le HCR et ses partenaires ont enregistré 1979 violations des droits de l'homme au cours du mois de février 2023 dans les territoires des provinces de l'Ituri, et du Haut Uélé. Ces incidents ont affecté les rapatriés (52%), les déplacés internes (27%), les résidents (14%) et les réfugiés (7%) représentant le déplacement de 818 ménages. Au Nord et au Sud-Kivu, INTERSOS, partenaire du HCR, a documenté 1 566 incidents de protection (540 au Nord-Kivu et 1 026 au Sud-Kivu). Les personnes déplacées à l'intérieur du pays et les retournés sont les plus affectés par ces incidents.
    highlight 28 Feb 2023 (1 year ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Dans le Sud-Ubangi, la coopérative agropastorale Maboko, qui regroupe des réfugiés centrafricains vivant dans le camp de Mole, a gagné le prix de l'innovation du HCR. Au niveau mondial, un total de 17 organisations de réfugiés ont reçu ce prix d'une valeur de 45 000 dollars. La coopérative Maboko est composée de 307 membres, dont 74 réfugiés et 233 membres de la communauté d'accueil. Elle a fait ses preuves dans la production de pisciculture et approvisionne les villes de Zongo (RDC) et de Bangui (RCA) en carpes et en tilapias.
    highlight 28 Feb 2023 (1 year ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Le HCR et le CIAUD ont construit 422 abris, dont 112 abris transitionnels en collaboration avec des groupes locaux d'artisans et de charpentiers issus de la communauté des réfugiés dans les territoires du Nord et du Sud Oubangui.
    highlight 28 Feb 2023 (1 year ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo