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Nombre de résultats: 431

  • Kiryandongo School where pupils are taught in five languages

    news New Vision News, 19 Oct 2015 (8 years ago )
    By Eddie Ssejjoba Teachers at Conram Primary School located in Kiryandongo Refugee Resettlement have to use five different languages to communicate to pupils who come from different dialects and nationalities. The school has 3,120 pupils, making it one of the most...
  • South Sudanese refugees adapt to a new life in Kiryandongo

    news NTV, 05 Jan 2016 (8 years ago )
    South Sudanese refugees adapt to a new life in Kiryandongo. Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement is bursting at the seams, with the authorities saying they are overwhelmed as refugees continuously flee war in South Sudan. There seems to be no end in sight for war that broke out in December 2013 in Ugan...
  • A Joyful Graduation Ceremony for Refugees in North Uganda

    news NRC, 15 Jun 2016 (7 years ago )
    On three consecutive bright mornings in June 2016, South Sudanese refugee and host community youth, with a great deal of excitement, flocked to their respective vocational skill training sites in Nyumanzi, Ayilo II and Ocea. Some of them wore gowns fashioned by their friends in the tailoring class a...
  • Agencies launch revised appeal for South Sudan refugees amid concerns the numbers could pass the 1 million mark this year

    news UNHCR, 15 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    The population of South Sudanese refugees in the region could pass the 1 million mark this year if cross-border displacement trends continue, according to Ann Encontre, Regional Refugee Coordinator for the South Sudan situation. Launching the revised appeal of USD 701 million in Nairobi today, ...
  • Thousands flee to Uganda after South Sudan flare-up

    news UNHCR, 19 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    Nearly 3,000 people fleeing the latest flare-up in South Sudan crossed into Uganda over the weekend and more are expected while tension remains high in the region, the UN refugee agency said today. On Friday and Saturday, 1,326 South Sudanese entered Uganda and a further 1,633 on Sunday. This bro...
  • Over 26,000 people flee to Uganda to escape uncertainty in South Sudan

    news UNHCR, 22 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    housands of people continue to flee uncertainty and fighting in South Sudan. Since fighting erupted on July 7 between forces loyal to President Kiir and First Vice President Machar, 26,468 people have crossed into Uganda’s northern region, including 24,321 in the previous six days alone. The influx ...
  • South Sudan fighting sees more refugees fleeing into Uganda than in the first 6 months of 2016

    news UNHCR, 26 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    Fighting in South Sudan that broke out on 8 July between rival factions loyal to Salva Kiir and Riek Machar has to date forced 37,491 people to flee the country to Uganda. To put this in context: In the past three weeks there have been more refugee arrivals in Uganda than in the entire first six mon...
  • UN: Tens of thousands fleeing violence in South Sudan

    news Deutsche Welle, 24 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    Over 26,000 South Sudanese refugees displaced by violence crossed the border into Uganda this month, reported the United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) on Friday. "Since fighting erupted on July 7 … 26,468 people have crossed into Uganda's northern region," UN refugee agency spokesman Andreas Nee...
  • UNHCR warns South Sudanese refugees need urgent aid

    news Press TV, 26 Jul 2016 (7 years ago )
    An estimated 26000 South Sudanese refugees have crossed into Uganda following political tensions and armed conflict in their country. The United Nations refugee officials say more people are arriving in Uganda on a daily basis while the country has difficulty providing them with ample food and shelt...
  • Regional emergencies push Uganda's refugee hosting to breaking point

    news UNHCR, 21 Dec 2015 (8 years ago )
    KAMPALA, Dec. 18 (Xinhua) – Three emergencies in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) and South Sudan have push the number of refugees and asylum seekers in Uganda to astronomical levels, forcing the east African country to look up to donors for support. Uganda is currently host to 51...