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Nombre de résultats: 9082

  • UNHCR alarmed over recent security incidents at Dadaab

    news UNHCR Web Site, 21 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    <P>UNHCR is alarmed by a string of recent security incidents targeting the Dadaab refugee complex in northern Kenya. Dadaab is the world's largest refugee settlement and shelters more than 460,000 people. <P>An explosion on Monday at the Hagadera camp killed one person and seriously injured two p...
  • Host Community Supported by UNHCR in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia

    news UNHCR Dollo Ado, 20 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    Ethiopia's Dollo Ado area received a visit, Mon Dec 19, from the heads of both UNHCR and the government of Ethiopia's refugee agency, ARRA. UNHCR Representative, Moses Okello, joined Ayalew Aweke of ARRA, in meeting with the District Commissioner of Dollo Ado, to discuss issues affecting the Distric...
  • Emergenza Etiopia

    news, 20 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    Un essere umano su sette soffre la fame. Ma se ne parla quasi soltanto in occasione di eventi fuori dal comune, come la siccità di portata eccezionale che ha colpito il Corno d’Africa quest’anno. Aggravata da una situazione di guerra in Somalia, ha provocato una nuova ondata di profughi verso i camp...
  • Bokolmayo Refugee Camp Celebrates International Day of Human Rights

    news UNHCR, 10 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    Saturday 10 December saw the Bokolmayo refugee camp in Dollo Ado, Ethiopia celebrating International Day of Human Rights. The day marked the culmination of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence. UNHCR and its humanitarian partners, together with the general refugee community and Ethiopian ...
  • New Camp for Somali Refugees Opens in Ethiopia

    news Voice of America, 02 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    New Camp for Somali Refugees Opens in Ethiopia
  • Ethiopia Opens New Camp for Somali refugees

    news UNHCR, 01 Dec 2011 (12 years ago )
    Hundreds of Somali refugees in southern Ethiopia’s Dollo Ado region have been relocated from an overcrowded transit centre to a new camp, Bur Amino. The camp was opened on Wednesday and became the fifth one in the Dollo Ado region. The first group of some 400 refugees has been moved by bus from ...
  • New challenges in Somalia, relief efforts under pressure in Kenya and Ethiopia

    news UNHCR Briefing Notes, 29 Nov 2011 (12 years ago )
    We are concerned about Al Shabaab’s announcement yesterday, permanently revoking work permissions to a number of UN organizations including UNHCR in parts of Somalia under their control. <P>This comes at the time of a dire humanitarian crisis in southern and central parts of Somalia. After drough...
  • Dadaab: Walking the fine line between helping refugees and risking lives

    news UNHCR Web Site, 28 Nov 2011 (12 years ago )
    DADAAB, Kenya, November 28 (UNHCR) – Ibrahim held up an X-ray of his broken thigh bone, taken when he first arrived in the Dadaab refugee complex of north-eastern Kenya. Five months later, he still cannot walk. <P>"I fell off a car when I was heading to Kenya from the Bay region [in southern Soma...
  • Dollo Ado Refugee Camps Say No to Gender Violence

    news UNHCR, 26 Nov 2011 (12 years ago )
    Sixteen Days of Activism against Gender Violence kicked off in all Dollo Ado camps today, with celebrations, drama, theatre, dance, sport and public announcements. November 26th is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and refugees turned out in force to attend the various ...
  • The Crisis Continues: Dollo Ado to Open its Fifth Camp

    news Think Africa Press, 19 Nov 2011 (12 years ago )
    An extremely high level of malnutrition is apparent in Ethiopia's Dollo Ado refugee camps, which continue to expand in response to the on-going crisis in the Horn of Africa. <P>Dollo Ado, Ethiopia: <P>Malnutrition and overcrowding remain a real cause for concern in Dollo Ado, a collection of r...