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  • Portraits from PROSPECTS - Visualizing change in host and refugee communities: Depicting stories of host and refugee individuals with improved self-reliance and resilience, an exhibition led by ILO PROSPECTS programme at the colonnade of ILO Headquarters will underpin ILO’s approaches promoting inclusive socio-economic growth and decent work for both host and forcibly displaced communities. The exhibition will be on from 14 December to 11 January in its first phase. See the potraits here:
    highlight 13 Dec 2023 (5 months ago)
  • Refugee-led Initiatives sent a strong message for Climate Action at GRF 2023: As the Global Refugee-Led Network actively participated in the GRF 2023, the stage was set for a global dialogue that transcends borders, fostering a future where every voice counts in the fight against climate change. Together, these entities forge a path towards a tomorrow that is sustainable, inclusive, and shaped by the collective voice of the displaced, contributing significantly to the ongoing initiatives on inclusive climate action. Read more here:
    highlight 15 Dec 2023 (5 months ago)
  • PROSPECTS podcast series: Episode 2: Understanding Digital Risks: Protecting Displaced and Host Communities in the Digital Economy. Digital risks pose significant challenges for refugees and host communities in the digital economy, from identity theft to privacy concerns and more. How do we help people safely navigate and work in the digital economy, in particular on platform work? In this second episode, Dr. Aaron Martin, Assistant Professor of Media Studies and Data Science at the University of Virginia, discusses how these risks impact individuals and businesses in online work. He highlights the need for diverse stakeholders to address these risks, emphasizing the importance of awareness, digital literacy, and fair work environments. Access the podcast here:
    highlight 11 Jan 2024 (4 months ago)
  • ILO's Youth-to-Youth Fund to tackle youth unemployment in Ethiopia: Youth-led organizations in Ethiopia participated in a competition to secure financial and technical support for their proposals to promote decent work and economic inclusion of young people from the host and refugee communities. Read more:
    highlight 12 Jan 2024 (4 months ago)
  • Top Organizations Unlock New Investments to Support the World’s Most Vulnerable: Partners of the World Economic Forum’s Humanitarian and Resilience Investing Initiative announce over 50 commitments that will boost impact investment and could unlock over $15 billion. Read more here:
    highlight 16 Jan 2024 (4 months ago)
  • • Zambia's Vice President led a delegation from the government to attend the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) in Geneva, Switzerland. Upon departure in Lusaka, the Vice President said that Zambia will continue to shelter people seeking refuge from other countries due to conflicts, as mandated by the UN. Therefore, programmes such as the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva are important for the country to participate in. "As a country, we have hosted refugees for many years, and we will continue to provide shelter to those seeking protection from conflicts in our region," she said. The UNHCR Representative also attended the GRF in Geneva. While in Geneva, the Vice President will also take part in the celebration of the UN's 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The Vice President's attendance at a UNHCR function is a significant political representation and commitment by the Government of Zambia to the Global Compact on Refugees.
    highlight 23 Jan 2024 (4 months ago)
  • • A meeting was organized on Tuesday, 5 December 2023, by the Zambia Civil Liberties Union (ZCLU), a local NGO, with Members of Parliament to discuss refugees and statelessness. Many MPs attended the session, asking several questions and expressing political concerns. Clarifications were provided to the concerns raised by the MPs. The UNHCR Representative, the Commissioner for Refugees (COR), and refugees attended the meeting. UNHCR, directly or through partners, will continue to engage different stakeholders to further the interest of the people we serve.
    highlight 23 Jan 2024 (4 months ago)
  • CGIAR pledge at Global Refugee Forum 2023: Promote climate resilience and sustainable livelihoods in fragile and conflict‐affected settings: CGIAR has pledged to enhance the climate resilience of and humanitarian responses to refugees, host communities, and other displaced peoples in fragile and conflict-affected settings. This commitment is channeled through the CGIAR Research Initiative on Fragility, Conflict, and Migration (FCM). Read more here:
    highlight 26 Jan 2024 (4 months ago)
  • Launch of the new edition of UNHCR Emergency Handbook: A UNHCR guide to agile, effective and community based humanitarian emergency responses - since its first edition in 1982, UNHCR’s Emergency Handbook has continued to offer guidance and practical tools to UNHCR’s emergency responders.
    highlight 31 Jan 2024 (4 months ago)
  • At the beginning of 2023, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, set out to better understand what does and does not work for refugees at each phase of their engagement with the digital economy — from preparatory training to working — and what solutions they think humanitarian and development actors should be pushing forward to make working online a safer, more inclusive route toward self-reliance. In partnership with behavior change lab 17 Triggers, UNHCR conducted a series of community-based workshops across seven countries over five months. For each country, one urban and one camp-based location were selected. The resulting research series — Improving Digital Livelihood Opportunities for Refugees: Using community-based workshops to co-create solutions — is a foundational element of the PROSPECTS Partnership project on the Promotion, Inclusion and Protection of Refugees in the Gig Economy. The project is jointly implemented with the International Labour Organization and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands through its PROSPECTS Opportunity Fund. Read the report here: and the blog here:
    highlight 15 Feb 2024 (3 months ago)