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Number of results: 1385

  • Nigeria : double attentat meurtrier dans un marché de Jos

    news Le Monde, 11 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Un double attentat à la bombe a frappé jeudi 11 décembre un marché de la ville de Jos, dans le centre du Nigeria, près de l'endroit où une attaque du même genre avait tué au moins 118 personnes en mai dernier, ont annoncé les secours. « Il y a pour le moment 31 corps qui ont été découverts, mais le...
  • UNHCR Spends Over $7 Million On IDPs In Nigeria

    news The Post, 11 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) says it spent over $7 million in 2014 as support to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Nigeria. It is estimated that of the over 1.5 million IDPs, only 868,235 are officially registered. UNHCR adds that of that figure 2,557 are refugees ...
  • Nigeria: African Union to explore new options for rescue of Chibok girls

    news Premium Times, 06 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    The Africa Union, AU, on Friday, announced plans to engage the Nigerian government in a fresh effort to rescue some 200 girls abducted by members of the Boko Haram Insurgents in Chibok, Borno State. The AU Special Envoy for Women, Peace and Security, Benita Diop, said in Addis Ababa that she woul...
  • Police repel attack on French factory in northeast

    news AP/News24 Nigeria, 05 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Damaturu - Nigerian police and soldiers repelled an attack by gunmen on a French-owned cement factory on Thursday in northeast Nigeria, where security forces are battling an Islamic uprising, a police spokesman said. Deputy Superintendent Fwaje Atajiri said the gunmen tried to shoot their way in...
  • 'Boko Haram killed 25 health workers'

    news News 24, 05 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Abuja - Over 25 health workers have been killed by members of the Boko Haram sect since the beginning of this year, Executive Director of National Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Dr. Ado Muhammad, has stated, Punch reports. Muhammad said that the death of health workers in the course of ca...
  • Troops finally clear Mubi of Insurgents – Army

    news News 24, 05 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Abuja - The Defence Headquarters on Friday in Abuja said troops had on Thursday completed the operation to clear Mubi of terrorists who had been operating in the town and its environs. This is contained in a statement issued by Maj. Gen. Chris Olukolade, Director of Defence Information. It sai...
  • Nigeria : attaque de Boko Haram près d'une cimenterie Lafarge

    news Le avec AFP, 04 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Le groupe islamiste Boko Haram a attaqué, jeudi 4 décembre, deux localités du nord-est du Nigeria, menant au passage un raid qui n'a pas fait de victime sur une cimenterie du groupe français Lafarge, déjà pillée le 4 novembre. Les assaillants s'en sont d'abord pris à la ville de Bajoga, dans l'Etat ...
  • Boko Haram attack Gombe town

    news News 24 Nigeria, 04 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Gombe - The town of Bajoga town of Gombe state is presently being attacked by members of terrorist group, Boko Haram according to residents, Premium Times reports. Residents said explosions and gunshots were heard early in the morning as many of them relocated to the outskirts of the town for fea...
  • Au Nigeria, plus de 150 morts dans un raid de Boko Haram à Damaturu

    news Le avec AFP, 03 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    Le Nigeria n'en finit plus d'être ensanglanté par les attentats de Boko Haram. L'attaque menée par le groupe islamiste Boko Haram sur la ville nigériane de Damaturu, lundi 1er décembre, a fait plus de 150 morts, a-t-on appris de plusieurs sources. Parmi les victimes, 38 policiers et 6 soldats. Soixa...
  • Nigeria : nouvelle attaque de Boko Haram dans le nord

    news, 01 Dec 2014 (9 years ago )
    PAR ASSANATOU BALDÉ Des explosions et des coups de feu, qui seraient menés par Boko Haram, ont secoué ce lundi matin la ville de Damaturu, dans le nord-est du Nigeria. Quand Boko Haram s’arrêtera-t-il ? Des explosions et des coups de feu ont secoué ce lundi matin la ville de Damaturu, dans le ...