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Number of results: 3054

  • The first-ever Global Refugee Labour Mobility Summit took place in Amman, Jordan. Bahati Ernestine, RefugePoint’s Economic Mobility Consultant, delivered a keynote speech highlighting the vast wealth of talented refugees and the importance of labor mobility. Ms. Ernestine, a former refugee from Rwanda, was part of the first group of refugees to relocate to Nova Scotia through Canada’s Economic Mobility Pathways Project with support from RefugePoint.
    highlight 06 Mar 2023 (1 year ago)
  • In Buchagara settlement, North Kivu, UNHCR and partners completed the construction of 3,000 shelters for vulnerable families. Similarly, in North and South Ubangi, UNHCR and partners built 790 transitional shelters, including shelters for individuals with special needs. The building process was supported by groups of refugee and indigenous artisans, who contributed with local knowledge and materials.
    highlight 13 Mar 2023 (1 year ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • UNHCR’s Innovation Fund awards projects designed by refugees for refugees: A new Refugee-led Innovation Fund from UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has awarded 17 organizations hundreds of thousands of dollars to improve the lives of displaced people and host communities. The 17 refugee-led organizations -- from places as diverse as Greece, Italy, Mali, Rwanda, and Uganda -- are set to receive a combined US$700,000 in direct seed funding this year, as well as holistic support from UNHCR through mentorship and technical expertise. Read more here:
    highlight 01 Mar 2023 (1 year ago)
    highlight 22 Feb 2023 (1 year ago)
  • • As of 31 January 2023, a total of 10,650 individuals (2,868 families) had cumulatively been repatriated since the second phase of the voluntary repatriation movements started in July 2022, and 10,851 individuals comprising 2,922 families since the first phase of the voluntary repatriation programme from Mantapala settlement started in December 2021.
    highlight 17 Feb 2023 (1 year ago)
  • En décembre 2022, le HCR et ses partenaires ont accueilli cinq convois de 177 familles congolaises (670 individus) en partance de Zambie vers le territoire de Pweto, province du Haut Katanga.
    highlight 15 Feb 2023 (1 year ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • UNHCR’s humanitarian supplies to support relief efforts in Iran’s West Azerbaijan province arrived in Khoy, which was hit by a deadly earthquake on 28 January. As part of a coordinated response with other United Nations agencies, UNHCR has sent core relief items – including 3,000 family tents, 1,500 plastic tarpaulin, 3,000 high thermal blankets, 3,000 sleeping mats, and 3000 family hygiene kits to the affected areas. Distribution of these items to the affected families is ongoing. According to the Government of Iran’s estimates, over 35,000 people have been affected – most of the damage reported in Khoy county. Iran has been a generous refugee hosting country for more than 40 years. In difficult times like these, we express solidarity with the people of Iran and we stand ready to continue supporting those in need of assistance.
    highlight 13 Feb 2023 (1 year ago)
    Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Le Japon a renouvelé son engagement en faveur des familles déplacées en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), grâce à un financement de 4,1 millions de dollars américains accordé au Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR) qui permettra d'améliorer l'accès aux abris, à la protection et à l'aide humanitaire pour les personnes déplacées et leurs communautés d'accueil dans les provinces du Nord-Kivu, du Sud-Kivu et de l'Ituri.
    highlight 06 Feb 2023 (1 year ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Une délégation de sept refugies et déplacés internes, soutenus par le Haut-Commissariat pour les Refugies, a eu une audience avec le Pape François le 1er février 2023 pour partager leurs souffrances, leurs peines ainsi que leurs aspirations à un futur meilleur. Venus des divers horizons du pays et issus de différentes confessions religieuses, ils prient humblement le Saint Père de demander aux dirigeants de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), des pays voisins, et de la communauté internationale d’intensifier leurs efforts pour ramener la Paix en RDC et dans la sous-région.
    highlight 01 Feb 2023 (1 year ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Le HCR, l'Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, a débuté ce mardi 10 janvier 2023 le transfert de milliers de personnes déplacées internes des sites spontanés de Kanyaruchinya, Munigi, Buhombo et Kibati vers le site officiel de Bushagara où la construction de 3000 abris d’urgence se poursuit grâce à l’ONG AIDES (Partenaire du HCR), avec les financements du Fonds Humanitaire et des fonds CERF.
    highlight 30 Jan 2023 (1 year ago)
    Democratic Republic of the Congo