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Number of results: 602

  • Statelessness: Nigeria to issue UN passport to persons at risk

    news Business Day, 25 Feb 2017 (7 years ago )
    Hon. Sani Zorro, Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) has disclosed Nigeria’s government plan to issue United Nations passport to people at risk of being stateless. Zorro made this known during an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), on Sat...
  • Ghana yet to implement National Action Plan against statelessness

    news Ghana Business News, 27 Feb 2017 (7 years ago )
    Although Ghana pledged in 2015 to end statelessness in 2016, it still remains one of the few West African countries yet to implement the national action plan to eradicate statelessness. The Abidjan Declaration was adopted in 2015 by Head of States of the Economic Community of West African States ...
  • Audiences foraines : Macky Sall rend gratuite la délivrance des actes d’état civil

    news Le Soleil, 04 Feb 2017 (7 years ago )
    Les Sénégalais ne dépenseront plus un franc pour avoir un extrait de naissance. Le chef de l’Etat a pris la décision de rendre gratuite la délivrance des actes d’état civil. « Le président de la République, Macky Sall, a pris, ce 3 février 2017, le décret n° 2017 – 229 portant dispense des droits de...
  • Sans identité légale: l’apatridie, un mal qui ronge l’Afrique de l’Ouest

    news Geopolis, 15 Feb 2017 (7 years ago )
    Le terme apatride désigne une personne qu’aucun Etat ne considère comme son ressortissant. Ils sont plus d’un million à être dans ce cas en Afrique de l’Ouest et à vivre sans identité légale. Comment y mettre fin? La question a été débattue le 23 janvier à Dakar au Sénégal. Rien qu’en Côte d’Ivo...
  • Eradicating Statelessness: UNHCR Rep lauds ECOWAS as global pacesetter

    news The Nation, 07 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    Mrs Liz Ahua, the Regional Representative, UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), has described ECOWAS as a global pacesetter for its progress towards eradicating statelessness in the West Africa sub-region. Ahua said on Sunday in Banjul at the opening of a three-day ministerial meeting on the ...
  • Statelessness looms in Nigeria’s North-East, if…, says UNHCR Rep

    news The Vanguard, 07 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    Mrs Liz Ahua, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Representative for West Africa, says massive displacement in Nigeria’s North-East zone poses great dangers of statelessness for victims. Ahua said this on Sunday in Banjul at the opening ceremony of a three-day ministeria...
  • Le HCR et la Cédéao autour de la table pour lutter contre l'apatridie

    news RFI, 07 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    A Banjul, à partir de ce dimanche 7 mai et jusqu'à mardi, le Haut-Commissariat aux réfugiés (HCR, qui gère aussi les apatrides) et la Cédéao organisent une réunion ministérielle pour traiter le problème de l'apatridie en Afrique de l'Ouest. Le continent est fortement touché par la question de ces pe...
  • Côte d’Ivoire/International/ L’éradication de l’apatridie en Afrique de l’Ouest préoccupe la CEDEAO et le HCR

    news Agence Ivoirienne de Presse, 08 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    Abidjan, 08 mai (AIP) – Le ministre gambien de l’Intérieur, Mai Ahmad Fatty, a invité les Etats membres de la Communauté économique des Etats d’Afrique de l’ouest (CEDEAO) à tout mettre en œuvre pour éradiquer l’apatridie dans l’espace communautaire. M. Fatty a lancé cet appel, dimanche à Banjul, e...
  • West Africa to fight statelessness with world's first action plan

    news Reuters, 08 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    By Kieran Guilbert DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - West Africa has become the first region in the world to adopt an action plan to end statelessness, aiming to help more than one million people without a nationality gain identity papers with new laws and better data, human rights experts said ...
  • West Africa to fight statelessness with world’s first action plan

    news Business Day, 08 May 2017 (7 years ago )
    West Africa has become the first region in the world to adopt an action plan to end statelessness, aiming to help more than one million people without a nationality gain identity papers with new laws and better data, Reuters reports human rights experts as saying on Monday. Stateless people, sometim...