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Number of results: 1833

  • Community workers brave odds to support survivors of violence in the DRC

    news By Sanne Biesmans, in Kitshanga, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 10 Mar 2022 (2 years ago )
    As Lidia Ajuwa, 30, walks down the hill into Kibarizo, a remote village in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo’s North Kivu province, she is greeted with smiles as she passes rows of small, grass-thatched houses. Hers is a familiar and friendly face in a region that for years has grappled w...
  • Les déplacés plaident pour la paix dans une audience avec le Saint Père

    news HCR Communiqué de Presse, 01 Feb 2023 (1 year ago )
    Une délégation de sept refugies et déplacés internes, soutenus par le Haut-Commissariat pour les Refugies, a eu une audience avec le Pape François le 1er février pour partager leurs souffrances, leurs peines ainsi que leurs aspirations à un futur meilleur. Venus des divers horizons du pays et issus...
  • Construction of shelters in Buchagara settlement

    news Operational Update UNHCR, 13 Mar 2023 (1 year ago )
    In Buchagara settlement, North Kivu, UNHCR and partners completed the construction of 3,000 shelters for vulnerable families. Similarly, in North and South Ubangi, UNHCR and partners built 790 transitional shelters, including shelters for individuals with special needs. The building process was supp...