UNHCR and IOM welcome the adoption of a work plan for refugees and migrants from Venezuela


UNHCR and IOM welcome the adoption of a work plan for refugees and migrants from Venezuela

UNHCR News, 26 Nov 2018

URL: https://www.acnur.org/noticias/press/2018/11/5bfc428b4/acnur-y-oim-saludan-la-adopcion-de-un-plan-de-trabajo-para-refugiados-y.html
UNHCR, the UN Agency for Refugees, and IOM, the United Nations Migration Organization, welcome the adoption, recognized by 8 Latin American countries, of a declaration and a work plan to coordinate the response to protection needs and assistance of Venezuelan refugees and migrants in their territories.

Representatives of the governments of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay adopted the Work Plan during the II International Technical Meeting on Human Mobility of Venezuelan Citizens in the Americas, which was held from the 22nd to 23rd of November in the Ecuadorian capital.

"This declaration and work plan are part of the long tradition of solidarity of Latin America with people who are forced to leave their countries and it is an important milestone in the harmonization of policies and practices in the countries of the region", noted Eduardo Stein, Joint Special Representative of UNHCR and IOM for refugees and migrants from Venezuela.