UNHCR - Note on the identification of hard-to-reach Malian refugees in Mauritania

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Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets
Document Type: English
Publish Date: 8 August 2021 (2 years ago)
Upload Date: 8 August 2021 (2 years ago)
Downloads: 317

UNHCR - Note on the identification of hard-to-reach Malian refugees in Mauritania

Document Type: Dashboards & Factsheets
Document Language: English
Based on information received from authorities, partners, and refugees that different groups of refugees had not been identified nor registered to date, UNHCR conducted during the first semester of 2021 field missions and a participatory evaluation to have a better understanding of these groups. These consultations confirmed that a significant number of refugees who have lived in in Mauritania for a long time are not registered.


  • Mauritania
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