نموذج البحث

يوجد 42 نتيجة

  • ONGOING CASH AND FUEL SHORTAGES CONTINUE TO IMPACT RESPONSE DELAYS AND REFUGEE PROTECTION – Cash shortages reported since November continue and are driving implementation delays for assistance projects in all refugee locations, especially for procurement and monitoring activities, and cash-based interventions. The situation is compounded by rising inflation and ongoing fuel shortages. Water system functionality has been hard hit, with generators at pumping stations unable to run due to a lack of fuel. Ongoing protests have also raised concerns for refugee protection amid escalating civil unrest across Sudan.
    highlight 01 Feb 2019 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees
  • OVER 3,000 REFUGEES ARRIVED IN SUDAN IN FEBRUARY – New refugee arrivals from South Sudan continue to cross into Sudan. Over 6,200 refugees have arrived in Sudan in 2019 so far, arriving from Aweil area in Northern Bahr Ghazal State and Upper Nile State, citing violence, food insecurity and a lack of livelihoods as their reasons for leaving South Sudan.
    highlight 01 Mar 2019 (5 years ago)
    South Sudan Sudan South Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees Sudan / South Sudan - Refugees