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  • Ecuador has been at the centre of multiple and overlapping population displacements for over the past decades. To date, nearly 600.000 people who have fled their homes found a place to rebuild a life in safety while thousands more transit elsewhere, every year. Both a place of transit and destination, Ecuador starts 2022 leading the list of countries hosting the largest recognized refugee population in Latin America and the Caribbean, with over 72.000 currently registered by the Government. Ecuador is also one of the top three countries in the region hosting Venezuelan refugees and migrants. Since many of Venezuelans and other nationalities are in an irregular situation, the new regularization process announced by the Government mid-2021 is a reason for hopes. A regular status will improve their precarious protection situation while providing them with the opportunity of contributing positively to Ecuador – specially to recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2022 started with significant increase in COVID-19 infections attributed to the Omicron variant. 13.3 million people had received two doses of the vaccine by the end of the month (75 per cent). By end of 2021, at least 300.000 refugees and migrants had been vaccinated, and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, continues to support the efforts of the Ministry of Health to curb the spread of the virus. In January 2022, between 700 and 800 Venezuelans entered and departed across northern and southern borders every day, while around 70 Haitians transited north daily from Ecuador into Colombia2. Moreover, some 130 Colombians have been registered with the government as in need of protection, however Colombians seeking access to asylum could be higher with many people reporting barriers in accessing on-line asylum procedures. UNHCR maintains presence across the country and in border areas to monitor needs, provide assistance and facilitate access to the asylum procedure, while helping strengthen government efforts to provide international protection.
    highlight 01 Feb 2022 (2 years ago)
  • In February 2022, Ecuador continued to witness the displacement of refugees and migrants across its territory, with people either remaining in main cities or transiting bound south and north. With southern borders with Peru reopened in February and the announcement of northern borders reopening in March after almost two years, population movements are expected to progressively increase. While people can now exchange commercial goods and to travel across borders, visa restrictions and vaccination requirements continue to compel refugees and migrants to use irregular crossing routes. Winter rains continued to cause damage across the country with several highways linking highlands with coastal areas closed. Vehicle circulation was restricted to schedules, also affecting UNHCR missions. Moreover, worsening security conditions in several parts of the country are affecting refugees and locals alike, with UNHCR and local authorities coordinating to facilitate access to protection mechanisms.
    highlight 01 Mar 2022 (2 years ago)