نموذج البحث

يوجد 867 شركاء

الترتيب حسب:
  • The Sons Of War For Children

    The Sons Of War For Children


    We are a Non-governmental, non-profit, and independent organization. We work on providing support and subsidies to the poor, stricken families and IDP in the minimum required to meet the basic necessities of life . As a response to the effects of war in Syria, our mission is to support the affected people by provision of : Health assistance Food aid to the poor Contributing to the dissemination of environmental awareness and eradication of illiteracy Spreading knowledge, care for the disabled, rehabilitation, training of women, and care for displaced children.
  • Kudra for Social Development Solutions

    Kudra for Social Development Solutions


    Kudra works to achieve all the elements of success and to target real development that achieves balance through human development,enabling environment development and resources investment through the following areas of work (Research & Analytics and Capacity Building & Development)
  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization

    United Nations Industrial Development Organization


    UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability.
  • Italian Refugee Council


    The Italian Refugee Council is an independent humanitarian organization formed in 1990 in Italy, at the initiative of the United Nations, with theThe objective of defending the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. The CIR works to encourage access to the protection of people fleeing from war and persecution and to help build decent reception and integration conditions in full respect for human rights. The CIR is a onlus, endowed with legal personality, and has a light structure of legal practitioners, social, cultural mediators, doctors and psychologists. CIR operates at national and European level as well as in North Africa, in a coordinated manner with other civil society organisations. The CIR does not have a specific state funding but operates on the basis of projects approved and financed by the UN, the European Union, the Italian Government, regions, municipalities and private foundations.
  • Terre Des Hommes- Italy

    Terre Des Hommes- Italy


    Terre des Hommes protect the rights of children in developing countries, without racial, religious, political, cultural or gender-based discrimination: this is the mission of Terre des hommes Italy, a non governmental organisation based in Milan and member of the International Terre des hommes Federation.
  • Ministry of Home Affairs- Commissioner for refugees


    Ministry of Home Affairs- Commissioner for refugees
  • Society for the Development and Creative Occupation of Children

    Society for the Development and Creative Occupation of Children


    Society for the Development and Creative Occupation of Children (EADAP)
  • Uganda Bureau of Statistics

    Uganda Bureau of Statistics


    The Uganda Bureau of Statistics is an agency of the government of Uganda, the third-largest economy in the East African Community. Formed by an Act of Parliament in 1998, the agency is mandated to "coordinate, monitor and supervise Uganda's National Statistical System".