Formulaire de recherche

Nombre de résultats: 1675

  • AU: Return of Nigerian Refugees from Cameroon Should Be Voluntary

    news voanews, 31 Jul 2017 (6 years ago )
    MAROUA, CAMEROON — The African Union Peace and Security Council has urged Cameroon to ensure the repatriation of Nigerian refugees fleeing Boko Haram is done on a voluntary basis. Hundreds of refugees, most of them children, complain they are thirsty and hungry as they leave Cameroon on their w...
  • Fear of Boko Haram drives thousands to flee from Niger to Chad

    news Reuters, 01 Aug 2017 (6 years ago )
    DAKAR (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Fear of Boko Haram attacks has driven at least 7,000 people from Niger to seek refuge in Chad in the last week, and thousands more may cross the border if the violence escalates, the United Nations said on Monday. The recent arrivals in Chad's Lake region felt...
  • Cameroun: l’indifférence face aux attaques de Boko Haram inquiète la population

    news RFI Afrique, 07 Aug 2017 (6 years ago )
    Au Cameroun, le week-end a été particulièrement meurtrier dans le village d’Ouro-Kessoum, à 2 km de la frontière nigériane, dans l’extrême nord du pays. Huit personnes ont été tuées par un kamikaze. La région est confrontée à une résurgence d'attaques attribuées à Boko Haram, après des mois de relat...
  • Au Nigeria, 31 pêcheurs tués par Boko Haram sur les îles du lac Tchad E

    news Le Monde Afrique, 08 Aug 2017 (6 years ago )
    Au moins 31 pêcheurs ont été tués par le groupe djihadiste Boko Haram sur les rives nigérianes du lac Tchad, a-t-on appris lundi 7 août de sources locales. Des combattants armés ont envahi samedi les îles sur les eaux du lac Tchad, où ils ont massacré des pêcheurs qui y travaillaient. Les djihadi...
  • Media Group in Nigeria gives UNHCR another award for supporting IDPs and refugee returnees in North-East.

    news UNHCR Nigeria, 08 Aug 2017 (6 years ago )
    The event was attended by both state and federal officials including the Executive Governor of Borno and his cabinet, members of the State parliament and the Federal minister of National Defence. The Chairman of Borno Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Baba Sheik Haruna said UNHCR, the Dangote ...
  • The ECOWAS Commission comes to the Aid of People suffering from food crisis in the North East of Nigeria

    news ECOWAS, 08 Aug 2017 (6 years ago )
    Maiduguri, 8 August 2017. The Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) through one of its agencies, the Regional Food Security Reserve (RFSR) donated 1,130 tons, about 22,600 bags of foodstuff to the Nigerian government for distribution to the following States: Borno, Gom...
  • Niger : les migrants empruntent des routes plus dangereuses

    news BBC Afrique, 09 Aug 2017 (6 years ago )
    Pour contourner les postes de contrôle, les trafiquants prennent des routes plus dangereuses à travers le désert du Sahara, loin des points d'eau et des services base. Parfois les véhicules tombent en panne ou bien les conducteurs se perdent et les migrants sont alors abandonnés dans le désert.
  • Chad: Humanitarian situation overview (as of 31st July 2017)

    news Relieweb, 09 Aug 2017 (6 years ago )
    Chad is facing interconnected humanitarian crises in a context of chronic poverty and low economic development. The security situation in neighboring countries has led to large population movements into Chad, as well as internal displacement for several years. Millions of people are affected by f...
  • Tchad : Aperçu de la situation humanitaire (au 31 juillet 2017)

    news Relieweb, 09 Aug 2017 (6 years ago )
    Le Tchad fait face à des crises humanitaires interconnectées, dans un contexte de pauvreté chronique et de faible développement économique. La situation sécuritaire dans les pays voisins a entrainé d’importants mouvements de personnes vers le Tchad, ainsi que des déplacements internes depuis plusieu...
  • Nigeria: Keeping pace with displacement dynamics by assessing IDP movement intentions in Borno State

    news reach-initiative, 09 Aug 2017 (6 years ago )
    In north-eastern Nigeria, over 2 million people have been forced into displacement, out of which 1.4 million are in Borno State. While some areas have recently experienced returns in proximity of main roads, the population from many Local Government Areas (LGAs) is likely to remain displaced for the...